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Secoin Encaustic Cement Tile at Myyan Retreat

Secoin provided Encaustic Cement Tiles at Myyan Retreat  – Da Nang City, 2020 

Myyan Retreat Danang is inspired by the Middle East Asia - Moorish region, in a rather unique style from colors to the harmony of the architecture, is a destination that converges many elites located in the heart of the coastal Da Nang city and hidden with its own beauty. Secoin feels happy when cement tiles contribute to beautifying the space here. 


Pattern A121 cement tiles with geometric motifs highlighting the space at the swimming pool.

Moorish architecture has an interesting contrast between exterior design and interior details. Always an airy, simple space in harmonious colors surrounding. The use of geometry in the decoration is the highlight of this design style. 


 Geometric patterns are innovated on cement tile.

Geometric decorative patterns are created on all designs from wood, plaster, tile to fabric with the main colors such as: red, blue, green, white, platinum and iridescent gold. 



The space and light with distinctive domes from Moorish style can bring about an extremely luxurious interior space. 

The white patterns on the blue main background, combined with the lights
make the space luxurious, but extremely delicate.


The motif and color of the Secoin cement tiles make the space appealing.

With the desire of delivering unique architectural works with its own identity, Secoin can respond according to customer requirements so that you can unleash your creativity.


To this day, the Moorish style still has a certain attraction and influence on the world of art, especially in architecture and interior design. 
Refer to more Secoin cement tile articles right here!

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