Leading beauty store MECCA Albert Park in Melbourne, used simple white and yellow wall tones for the entire space, and after a period of design and research, decided to choose Secoin's Terrazzo encaustic tiles as the tiles. The carpets highlight each area in the store, creating a new feeling for customers when they come to the store to shop.
The Terrazzo encaustic tiles line carries with it the beauty of encaustic tile patterns along with the blend of colors, the interest of the stone grains on each tile surface and the structural quality of Terrazzo encaustic tiles that make them an excellent choice. Popular for all spaces from floors, walls, etc.
Terrazzo tiles are considered one of the most sustainable and environmentally friendly materials. With a green production process, artisans breathe life into each pattern, combined with natural materials such as stone grains covering the surface, then polished and ground to create wonderful works. wonderfully called Terrazzo encaustic tiles.
Terrazzo tiles are extremely durable and more resistant than other tile materials, so they are ideal for use as flooring in crowded, high-traffic areas. That is also one of the reasons why MECCA Albert Park chose Secoin's Terrazzo encaustic tile line, which is produced under strict conditions to ensure the material is never changed, creating a quality, usable product. Used for the floor of the restaurant, where there are always many customers.
Each Terrazzo tile is truly unique, you can unleash your creativity and choose the tile pattern that suits your space. With a minimalist and modern design, the famous cosmetics store MECCA Albert Park and Secoin have created gentle but extremely luxurious style Terrazzo tiles with blue, black and white tones, and unique patterns. Uniquely used for this space combined with yellow light to create a luxurious, modern scene and highlight the products featured in the store.